Tuesday, March 15, 2011

From the one came the many!

As most of you know, love comes when you least expect it. As cleche as it sounds, it's proven true in the lives of my now husband Craig and I. The brilliant moments that brought us to this point of our journey are far too many to begin with here. Therefore, i'm jumping feet first into where we are now, this moment on our journey of life and soon...Around the World!

It starts here in Hawaii with two very excited and creative lovers planning a trip that may proof to be greater and more epic than they now comprehend. At least that's what this lover feels! My feelings almost always hold true if I allow them to play out as a bistander yet clearly a co-creator. At this moment we are certain of little regarding the next year of our lives, but sure of this... We're open to AnYtHiNg and endless possibilities!! We know we're leaving this quite perfect living environment in June to spend time with family and friends on the mainland. Time spent between Indiana, Utah and Bermuda with family and friends. Then possibly Chicago, New York and maybe LA with friends! Depending on timing the early summer may be enjoyed working and playing in Indiana to save even more money for this world adventure. A summer in the US rather than our original Europe plan may be just what we need, and i'm certain we'll have plenty to fill it with.

October will most likely be filled with family to celebrate the wedding of Craig's sister Jenny and her man Todd. We're so excited for them and thier special moment! The world will be here for us to explore forever but they'll only get married once.

The uncertianty of timing is a blessing in disguise, allowing us to explore and research all the options available so that we can soon piece them all together into a perfect adventure!

Then, we allow the adventure to take us! A year of hand picked countries, cultures and cuisine to saciate an undying desire to explore and taste it all!

Stay tuned for updates...

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to watch your adventures unfold. And I can't wait to be part of them, too.

