Saturday, May 12, 2012

Change of plans

dearest friends and family,

                     First of all my wish is that this finds you all happy, healthy and well wherever you may be.  Craig and I send our love to you!

                           Our trip is going swell and we`re having such a wonderful time now n Japan.  We`ve been giving something called Couchsurfing a try and actually finding it to be such a unique and lovely way to travel.  We stay with locals who open their homes to travelers and if they have time and desire show us around and give us advice on local customs, language and good local food. We had our first experience with it in Seoul, S. Korea and though sleeping on a couch wasn`t ideal the first 3 nights it was free and we had an amazing experience with the new friends we had made.  We had a couple invite us to their home in Tokyo where we stayed the last 2 nights and though there is a language barrier they are learning and we had such am amazing time with them and thier friends, cooking and hanging out together.  It`s become one of our favorite ways to travel and it:s free which isn`t even the biggest reason its our fav. 

            We have however run into a little, okay large hicup.  After many visits and phone calls to various Embassies in Hong Kong, Seoul and now Tokyo I am unable to get a Shengan visa for Europe as a South Afican passport holder applying outside my own country.  So we are in the process of changing our `around the world` tickets and deciding which countries we will go to insead.  This does mean that we will be going to South Africa a lot sooner than October but still not sure on the dates as of right now.

            To our family in SA, would we still be able to come and stay with you in the next few months.  I:ll be more certain on dates within the week so will let you know.  I am so excited to come HOME after so many years and Craig is also excited to see SA for the frist time and since we have more time now we may be staying a few weeks longer. 

       To those of you who offered your homes and hospitality to us throughout Europe thank you again and though we will not be able to see you this time we will be going to see you at some point in our lives, maybe when I have a US passport.  Also to the people we were going to meet in EU Sorry for the sudden change.  We were so excited to see you there but maybe we can meet somewhere else like S. America. 

           After working with our amazing travel agent in New Zealand and figuring out a new itinerary we will be posting it on the blog again and I:ll send another email. 
We love and appreciate you all!  thanks for your support and love returned.  xoxo

      Demelza and Craig

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